Step 1
The program of One Touch Ministry requires prospective candidates to write their life story, beginning as far back as they can remember.
This autobiography must be submitted to One Touch Ministry, with the completed application, at the previously listed address before acceptance into the program.
Step 2
Fill out the application.
Once fully completed, the application and autobiography must be returned to the One Touch Ministry program for consideration and processing.
Make sure to read and sign the Rule and Agreement Contract (page 10 of the application).
Step 3
All candidates are carefully screened.
Submission of the autobiography and application DOES NOT GUARANTEE admission into the program.
Applicants will be sent a letter stating the results of the screening.
To download an application, click OTM Application.
This application contains a Rules and Agreement Contract. If accepted into the program, you will be required to sign an updated Rules and Agreement Contract, which may not match the one you signed during the application process. You will also need Adobe Reader or other PDF Reader to view this document.

"One Touch Ministry is a family place that meets more than just our physical needs."
~ Participant