Jim touched a lot of lives, even of people he had never met. He ran his race, and finished strong. He will always have a special place at One Touch Ministry.
When One Touch Ministry was going through a tough spell, he fought to keep the doors open so that we could help more people. He was one of a kind. Gentle and kind, he would give the shirt off his back to help anyone who needed it, even though he was having just as hard a time as everyone else. He constantly gave of himself to help others.
He was a Godly man, and led a people who had given up on God back to Him. Jim was well loved at One Touch Ministry. He always had a laugh and an encouraging word for someone who needed it. Jim will be remembered with great affection and love. He will be missed, but he will always be in our hearts.

I enjoyed going to his sister's house and sitting on the lake.–Words from a best friend, B.J.#1
This man could cook up a storm. To me there was nothing like his Mexican Cornbread. A great person who always was willing to help others.–V.B.J.
Bruce could fix anything. A jack-of-all-trades and truly a master of all but plumbing and roofing. If you wanted to know how to do something, he would tell or show you how to fix or handle it.
He had life stories that would make you say, "Now, come on Bruce!" He would say, "I'm telling you," and everyone would laugh until we cry.–T.J.
Bruce always had a smile, and his humor was infectious, which is a truly awesome thing when it's known that sometimes laughter is the best medicine.–M.O.
One that gives you what he has in whatever form that he has it. It may be word or deed; he freely gave it. When what you may hear him say sounds like you may want to laugh, yet it has a very good meaning if you listen to what is being said. This substance you can’t buy, but you can truly use. This is how I came to know Bruce over the years we knew each other.
So when you think on Bruce, think deeply on the things you heard him say and then realize that you were given some good information. This is what Bruce was and still remains to be in this world. I miss him for all this as well as the meals that he would prepare for all the guys at OTM. Bruce always comes up in conversations as he’s never left us. Bruce, no doubt, is to me a man with substance. –C.A.