In addition to financial contributions, we accept many other types of donations. Whether it's clothing, food, furniture, equipment, or shopping online through the Louisiana Community Marketplace, your support is always appreciated and needed.
As an established 501(c)3 organization, donations to One Touch Ministry are tax deductible. One Touch Ministry cannot provide an estimate of the value of donated items, but Director Verna Bradley-Jackson will be happy to provide correspondence to document your donation for tax purposes.
For your convenience, One Touch Ministry has provided a wish list of material and equipment needed. Any item donated from the wish list will greatly support the mission of One Touch Ministry.
Monetary Donations
Monetary donations are tax deductible and help One Touch Ministry continue its mission. Please contact Verna Bradley-Jackson at (225) 359-9911 or otm1111@yahoo.com for more information on how to donate to One Touch Ministry.
Click the DONATE button to make a donation. Thank you for your continued support.
Two 15-Passenger Vans
One Touch Ministry is currently in the process of expanding its operations and needs large, multi-passenger vehicles that can be used to transport participants in our program to and from work. Any vehicles donated should be in good condition.
Truck with Trailer
Truck with trailer is needed to haul the lawn equipment. This will help our participants create their own employment opportunities.
Bus Passes
Transportation costs are often an issue for participants in our program, so donations of local bus passes are always helpful. For information on buying passes click Here
Winter Coats
Winter coats in men's sizes are needed for our participants.
Laptops or Desktop Computer
Desktop and laptop computers could help participants in our program learn necessary job skills, including how to use word processing software, email and database programs. Any computers donated to OTM should be in good condition and in working order. Please delete files on the hard drive of any previously used computer in order to protect your personal information.
Lawn Equipment
Lawn equipment, such as: lawn mowers, hedge clippers, rakes, blowers and trimmers, is needed to help participants learn grounds maintenance skills and create their own employment opportunities. Items in good condition are preferable.
Office Supplies
Offices supplies including a copier, televisions, and projectors, are needed. These items will be used to facilitate classes for our participants on life skills and job search techniques.
Non-perishable Food Supplies
Donated nonperishable food supplies will be provided to our participants as an additional source of nutrition as they work toward independence.
Building Materials
Sheet rock and other building materials are needed in order to improve the condition of our housing facilities. Our needs are very specific, so please contact Verna Bradley-Jackson at (225)359-9911 or otm1111@yahoo.com for more information.
Thank you for your support!

"You lose your dignity in jail and One Touch Ministry gives you a chance to get it back and hold your head up."
~ Participant